Príbehy ľudí z Liptova, umelecká fotografia a predaj umeleckých fotografií

Image: MAN (looking straight), analogue snapshot, 2006.
Od septembra 2014 Fotobežka prináša mikroportréty zaujímavých ľudí, ktorí svojimi životmi inšpirujú. Je živým médiom - spolunažívaním, investigatívnym žurnalizmom, fotografiou, textom, videom a ceruzkou skúma sociálne štruktúry miest a kultúr. Dokumentuje "za jazdy", samotný názov vznikol kombináciou slov FOTO a KOLOBEŽKA.
Fotobežka is active since September 2014 and is currently based in Slovakia. It uses the day to day living and investigative journalism, photography, video, writing or drawing to create micro-portraits of local people who are 'sticking out'. It is a medium of exchange - concentrating on the social structures and places. Fotobežka presents people that are not possible to ignore either because of their lifestyle, attitudes or their way of living. After a short period of time spent with the specific people they are invited to a dispute LEP / GLUE, in the Gallery of Ludovít Fulla in Ružomberok, where they present their way of living. Fotobežka sticks people together to create a new cultural exchange in the region od Liptov. The FOTOBEZKA title is a pure mock-up of two words: PHOTO and SCOOTER. It shoots as it rides.